Cara Ganti Nama Facebook 2012-2013. berhasil
NAME CHANGE FACEBOOK LATEST 2012, While the yet distinguished Tau Rame On Facebook Newest Name Change, I Post deh. Most of the members about...
NAME CHANGE FACEBOOK LATEST 2012, While the yet distinguished Tau Rame On Facebook Newest Name Change, I Post deh. Most of the members about his facebook on've g 'could change his name again because it already limits. For those who already g 'could change his name again / already limited.
Sample Images:
Sample Images:
- Fill name in the first column
- Fill Middle Name column into two
- Fill name in the third column
- Contents / give your reasons in the fourth column, why the need to change the name of your facebook profile (be in the Indonesian language, for that can not speak english.
- Upload badge, or a photo of your identity, just as ID card, student card / student card, driver's license will do. (Or can also search image student card, student ID card or google image)
- After Upload your Identification, click "SEND"
- succes, just wait a few days, you will be able to Imail message from facebook. check your Imail (its notification message is not necessarily out by facebook, can at any time)